Saturday, April 12

Random Discovery #Similarity


Heard of the re-activated Cheerego site but didn't surf in until today.
Cheer's site is similiar to Why Not.
The big pleasant* photograph background with minimal links placed at the side as first page.
Just like how a pleasant* movie poster functions.
Like a pleasant* book cover. A pleasant* music album.
*Up to you to define your pleasant.

Cheer Chen is cool. Besides her wonderful melodies and lyrics, her portrayal as a musician/artist/singer/person attracts me. Bit of simple, bit of ordinary, bit of sweet, bit of sentimental, bit of weak, bit of dreamer, bit of loner, and always with an acoustic guitar.
Just like Jack Johnson.
Like John Mayer in [Inside Wants Out] and [Room for Square].

Wonder when I'll have the day sitting, watching and listening to her live unplugged.

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